G - H Crystals

Garden Quartz

Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus

Element: Fire

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Aquarius

Healing properties: Garden Quartz brings repressed emotions to the surface to allow for healing. It has long been favored by shamans as it helps you connect to your spirit and animal guides with ease. Garden Quartz is recommended for anyone who experienced early childhood traumas that are causing you to hold anxiety.

Affirmation: "I let go of past hurt and allow myself to heal."


Chakras: Root, Crown

Elements: Earth, Fire

Vibration: 11

Zodiacs: Aries, Leo

Healing properties: Garnet enhances passion, enthusiasm, and creativity in all areas of life. It balances the sex drive and enhances love between partners. Garnet stimulates the metabolism and assists the assimilation of vitamins. It has a strong connection to the pituitary gland, which can aid past-life recall.

Affirmation: "I am passionate and enthusiastic in all areas of my life."


Chakras: All

Element: Earth

Vibration: 2

Zodiacs: All

Healing properties: Gold is recognised as a symbol of abundance, power, and prosperity. Wearing Gold can infuse your with self-confidence and willpower. It has a harmonizing effect on the mind, body, and spirit, and alleviates tension. Gold revitalizes your physical energies and magnifies the power of other crystals.

Affirmation: "I easily attract success and prosperity into my life."

Golden Healer

Chakras: All

Element: Fire

Vibration: 2

Zodiac: Leo

Healing properties: Golden Healer is a powerful stone of the Golden Ray that clears energy blockages and imbalances within each chakra. It removes all negative and scattered energy from your auric field. Golden Healer facilitates spiritual communication over a long distance, including between worlds and dimensions.

Affirmation: "I am filled with the healing energy of the Golden Ray."

Golden Obsidian

Chakras: Root, Solar Plexus

Element: Earth

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Healing properties: Golden Sheen Obsidian helps you to find a sense of direction in their life that aligns with Divine will. It is believed to be effective for crystal ball scrying, helping you to discover hidden knowledge and develop your clairvoyant abilities. Golden Sheen Obsidian attracts prosperity and can greatly enhance the visualization process.

Affirmation: "I am mentally strong and embrace my personal power."


Chakras: Root, Sacral

Elements: Fire, Earth

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Healing properties: Goldstone is a stone of ambition, confidence, and endurance. It enhances mental clarity, enabling you to think clearly and refrain from making impulsive decisions. Goldstone deflects unwanted energies from your aura and surrounding environment, making it a very useful protection stone.

Affirmation: "I am successful and abundant in all areas of my life."

Grape Agate

Chakras: Crown, Third Eye

Element: Storm

Vibration: 9

Zodiacs: Cancer, Sagittarius

Healing properties: Grape Agate has a strong connection to Goddess energy. Sleeping with Grape Agate is said to promote intense lucid dreaming and aid dream recall. It forms a strong shield around the aura, protecting you from psychic attack and negative influences.

Affirmation: "Being intuitive comes easily to me now."

Green Agate

Chakra: Heart

Element: Earth

Vibration: 7

Zodiacs: Gemini, Virgo

Healing properties: Green Agate is a powerful healing stone of the physical and emotional body. it is recommended for anyone who is overcoming an illness or caring for someone who is unwell, as it imparts strength, courage, and compassion. Green Agate is believed to strengthen the immune system and help fight diseases.

Affirmation: "My mind and body are strong, healthy, and balanced."

Green Apatite

Chakras: Throat, Heart,

Third Eye

Elements: Water, Earth

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Gemini

Healing properties: Green Apatite is a wonderful stone for the nervous system, helping to soothe stress and tension. It is an effective stone for teachers, healers, and therapists as it enables you to put out energy while maintaining inner peace and emotional balance.

Affirmation: "I give myself permission to stop and breathe."

Green Aventurine

Chakra: Heart

Elements: Earth, Water

Vibration: 3

Zodiacs: Aries, Leo

Healing properties: Green Adventurine helps you to rapidly manifest prosperity, abundance, and career success. It is a beneficial stone for those in leadership positions as it promotes qualities of authenticity, confidence, and decisiveness. Green Adventurine heals painful emotions, particularly those experienced during childhood.

Affirmation: "I am worthy of everything I desire in life."

Green Calcite

Chakra: Heart

Elements: Water, Fire

Vibration: 3

Zodiacs: Libra, Taurus

Healing properties: Green Calcite is a grounding stone that aids you in becoming more attuned to nature. It helps you to regain your sense of purpose in life. Green Calcite relieves negative emotions such as anger, resentment, and irritability, and nurtures positive traits such as love, forgiveness, and compassion.

Affirmation: "I release my pain and forgive those who have hurt me."

Green Fluorite

Chakra: Heart

Element: Wind

Vibration: 2

Zodiacs: Capricorn, Libra, Pisces

Healing properties: Green Fluorite is a very effective stone for overcoming disorganization and a scattered mind. It promotes intense focus and concentration for sustained periods of time. Green Fluorite is a great study and learning tool, helping you to quickly absorb and retain new information.

Affirmation: "My thoughts are clear, organized, and grounded."

Green Garnet

Chakras: Root, Heart

Element: Earth

Vibration: 2

Zodiacs: Aquarius, Virgo

Healing properties: Green Garnet is a stone of spiritual grounding and manifestation. It helps you release insecurity and financial anxiety, and consciously shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance. Green Garnet promotes an optimistic mental attitude and is said to be beneficial to work with when undertaking legal matters.

Affirmation: "I am a magnet for Divine abundance."

Green Jade

Chakra: Heart

Element: Earth

Vibration: 11

Zodiacs: Aries, Gemini, Libra, Taurus

Healing properties: Green Jade helps you to quickly attract luck and prosperity. Its energy is so strong that you are said to feel a flow of well-being almost immediately upon touching it. Commonly used in dream work as it stimulates lucid dreaming and assists dream recall.

Affirmation: "I effortlessly attract abundance into my life."

Green Moonstone

Chakras: Third Eye, Heart, Solar Plexus

Element: Earth

Vibration: 4

Zodiacs: Gemini, Scorpio

Healing properties: Green Moonstone has all the properties of Moonstone, but with more of an emphasis on emotional healing. Meditating with Green Moonstone can help you connect to the Divine Feminine. It enhances intuition due to its strong connection to the Moon.

Affirmation: "I am calm, relaxed, and deeply in touch with my emotions."

Green Opal

Chakra: Heart

Elements: Earth, Water

Vibration: 8, 9

Zodiacs: Aries, Sagittarius

Healing properties: Green Opal is an excellent stone to use during meditation due to its calming effect on the mind. It helps you to move forward from past pain and begin on your healing journey. Green opal stimulates creativity and is recommended to be used if you are a artists or writer to help you stay inspired.

Affirmation: "I have the strength and courage to move forward and heal."


Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Vibration: 9

Zodiacs: Aries, Aquarius

Healing properties: Hematite enhances courage and boldness, and is said to be very beneficial stone for if you are timid and afraid of speaking your truth. It is effective for calming an overactive and scattered mind. Hematite is believed to relieve chronic pain as it maintains the charge of nerve cells in the body.

Affirmation: "I am confident and not afraid to speak my truth."

Herkimer Diamond

Chakras: Crown, Third Eye

Element: Storm

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Sagittarius, Aries

Healing properties: Herkimer Diamond deeply stimulates the third eye chakra, increasing the occurrence of psychic visions. It amplifies the energy of other crystals and is useful in attuning you with others and their surroundings. Herkimer Diamond clears the mind of unconscious fears, allowing for total relaxation and expansion of life energy.

Affirmation: "I am attuned to the white light of the Divine."

Honey Calcite

Chakras: Root,

Solar Plexus

Elements: Fire, Air

Vibration: 8

Zodiac: Cancer

Healing properties: Honey Calcite is an effective stone to work with when undertaking tasks and projects requiring persistence over the long term. It helps you to overcome self-sabotaging behaviours, especially procrastination. Honey Calcite inspires an attitude of generosity, compassion, and gratitude.

Affirmation: "I am ready to take immediate action to achieve my goals."


Chakra: Crown

Element: Wind

Vibration: 2

Zodiacs: Gemini, Virgo, Scorpio

Healing properties: Howlite is an extremely calming and soothing stone that allows you to enter a deep meditative state. It brings greater gentleness, empathy, and compassion when dealing with others and relieves feelings of frustration and impatience.

Affirmation: "I am calm and allow myself to experience a deep sleep."