Crystals O - P

Ocean Jasper

Chakras: Heart, Throat, Solar Plexus

Element: Earth

Vibration: 6

Zodiac: Capricorn

Healing properties: Ocean Jasper carries the powerful healing energy of the ocean. It releases suppressed emotions, bringing them to the surface to allow for transformation and healing. Ocean Jasper heals the heart chakra and reminds you to be accepting of the cycles of life.

Affirmation: "The healing energy of the ocean flows within me."


Chakras: All

Element: Water

Vibration: 8

Zodiac: Libra

Healing properties: Opal is a powerful amplifier of your traits, bringing both positive and negative characteristics of your true self to the surface. It helps you to release any negative traits and begin the journey of self-healing. Opal has long been used in spiritual journeying as it facilitates psychic and mystical visions.

Affirmation: "I am becoming the best version of myself."


Chakra: Third Eye

Element: Wind

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Cancer

Healing properties: Opalite has a soft, delicate energy and symbolizes clarity, purity, and new beginnings. It is great companion to assist you during life transitions by boosting self-esteem and courage. Opalite enhances intuition and aids the interpretation of psychic information.

Affirmation: "I interpret messages I receive from the spirit world with ease."

Orange Aventurine

Chakras: Sacral, Solar Plexus

Element: Earth

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Taurus

Healing properties: Wearing Orange Aventurine brings luck, good fortune, and abundance. It is an excellent energetic and emotional support stone for anyone overcoming emotional traumas. Orange Aventurine helps you to tap into your hidden talents and make use of them. It is often referred to as the 'whisper stone' as it helps quiet our inner critic.

Affirmation: "I release fear and look toward the future with hope."

Orange Calcite

Chakras: Solar Plexus, Sacral

Element: Fire

Vibration: 5

Zodiac: Cancer

Healing properties: Orange Calcite is effective in healing emotional issues related to wounds to your creativity or sexuality. It enhances self-confidence and promotes the expression of creativity. Orange Calcite provides you with insights for dealing with creative blocks. It assists you overcoming feelings of hopelessness, sadness, and lethargy.

Affirmation: "My mind is filled with new, creative ideas."

Peach Moonstone

Chakras: Heart, Crown, Solar Plexus

Elements: Wind, Water

Vibration: 4

Zodiacs: Capricorn, Libra

Healing properties: Peach Moonstone helps you to connect with Divine Feminine energies, and promotes fertility and self-love. It is recommended to be worn if you are experiencing major life changes. Peach Moonstone acts as a wonderful emotional support for intuitive and sensitive children.

Affirmation: "I am open and accepting of change in my life."


Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus

Element: Earth

Vibration: 5, 6

Zodiacs: Leo, Virgo, Scorpio

Healing properties: Peridot is a stone of financial and spiritual abundance that encourages you to feel gratitude in all areas of your life. It brings a sense of inner peace, grounding, and well-being. Peridot helps you to detach yourself from negative influences and look to your own higher energies for guidance.

Affirmation: "I welcome abundance in all areas of my life."

Petrified Wood

Chakras: Root, Third Eye

Element: Earth

Vibration: 77

Zodiac: Leo

Healing properties: Petrified Wood promotes emotional healing linked to difficult relationships, especially those of ancestral origin. It gives you the ability to translate spiritual insights into real changes in your physical life. Petrified Wood teaches you to remain patient and not be too hard on yourself or others.

Affirmation: "I effortlessly apply spiritual insights directly to my life."


Chakras: Third Eye, Heart

Element: Wind

Vibration: 6

Zodiac: Virgo

Healing properties: Phosphosiderite has a peaceful energy that helps you remain focused on your spiritual path. It is wonderful to use during meditation as it enhances communication with spirit guides and angels. Sleeping with Phosphosiderite stone can help relieve insomnia, prevent nightmares, and promote a deep sleep.

Affirmation: "My higher self has all the answers I need."

Picture Jasper

hakras: Root, Third Eye

Element: Earth

Vibration: 6

Zodiac: Leo

Healing properties: Picture Jasper is a very grounding stone that helps give you a stronger sense of direction in your life. It enables you to gain a better understanding of your past fears, and have the strength to move forward and overcome them. Picture Jasper quickly absorbs negative energy, therefore it needs to be cleansed regularly.

Affirmation: "I no longer allow fear and self-doubt to rule my life."


Chakras: Solar Plexus, Third Eye

Element: Storm

Vibration: 9

Zodiacs: Leo, Sagittarius

Healing properties: Pietersite enhances psychic visions and helps you move into a higher state of awareness. Many who work with this stone experience a very rapid personal transformation. Pietersite aids tarot readers to make their predictions more accurate.

Affirmation: "I allow my intuition to lead me to my true purpose in life."

Pink Agate

Chakra: Heart

Element: Earth

Vibration: 7

Zodiacs: Scorpio, Libra

Healing properties: Pink Agate is a powerful healer of the heart, helping you to overcome past pain. It is associated with parental love, and strengthens the relationship between a child and parent. Pink Agate helps you to feel worthy of love and increases self-confidence. Wear it near your heart to experience its full healing effects.

Affirmation: "I am worthy of receiving unconditional love."

Pink Aragonite

Chakra: Heart

Element: Earth

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Capricorn

Healing properties: Pink Aragonite is a powerful grounding stone that is deeply connected to Mother Gaia and the Earth Goddesses. It promotes deeper, healthier, and more fulfilling romantic relationships. Pink Aragonite encourages you to open your heart to receiving love. It is effective in healing heartache and loneliness.

Affirmation: "Love flows through me easily and freely."

Pink Aventurine

Chakra: Heart

Element: Earth

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Aries

Healing properties: Pink Aventurine is an effective stone for if you have trouble drawing love into your life as it opens the heart chakra. It gives you the inner strength to let go of people that are no longer serving their highest good. Pink Aventurine enhances creative inspiration and supports you from imagining to actualizing.

Affirmation: "I easily turn my creative ideas into a reality."

Pink Calcite

Chakra: Heart

Element: Earth

Vibration: 8

Zodiac: Cancer

Healing properties: Pink Calcite is one of the most beneficial stones to help in treating postpartum depression. It enables you to develop a deep and loving connection with your new-born, and aids in healing feelings of fatigue and overwhelm. Pink Calcite is a effective healing stone for anyone experiencing the loss of a loved one.

Affirmation: "I am compassionate and gentle with myself and others."

Pink Opal

Chakra: Heart

Element: Water

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Cancer

Healing properties: Pink Opal is an effective stone if you experience excessive fear and panic attacks due to its soothing effect during times of distress. It is an excellent sleeping aid due to its ability to calm the mind. Pink Opal promotes deep emotional healing, especially healing subconsciously held pain.

Affirmation: "I am calm and my mind is filled with peaceful thoughts."

Pink Tourmaline

Chakra: Heart

Element: Water

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Libra

Healing properties: Pink Tourmaline is effective for healers and therapists as it allows you to better connect with patients. It is recommended stone for if you experience frequent panic attacks as it helps calm your emotions in times of distress. Pink Tourmaline provides comfort if you are experiencing grief and trauma.

Affirmation: "I am ready to begin on my healing journey and move forward."

Polychrome Jasper

Chakras: All

Elements: Earth, Fire

Vibration: 6

Zodiacs: Aquarius, Pisces

Healing properties: Polychrome Jasper is a rare and relatively new stone that combines Fire and Earth elements. Its healing energy will light new paths, helping you to discover new approaches to your heart's desires. Polychrome Jasper clears energy blockages in all the chakras, enabling rebirth and self-transformation.

Affirmation: "I am grounded and ready to take action towards my goals."

Poppy Jasper

Chakras: All

Element: Earth

Vibration: 6

Zodiacs: Libra, Scorpio

Healing properties: Poppy Jasper is a stone of inner strength that is recommended to be worn by anyone suffering with chronic fatigue, depression, or the impaired functioning of an organ or gland. Poppy Jasper Increases your mental fortitude to help with life's daily challenges, and imparts a sense of hope and well-being.

Affirmation: "I have the mind, heart, and spirit of a warrior."


Chakras: Heart, Crown

Element: Earth

Vibration: 4, 7

Zodiacs: Scorpio, Capricorn

Healing properties: Prasiolite is a strong energy amplifier that works to amplify the energies of other crystals as well as your thoughts. It promotes originality and self-expression, encouraging you to confidently share your talents with others. Prasiolite also aids you in manifesting abundance and career success.

Affirmation: "I have the courage to stay true to myself."


Chakras: Heart, Solar Plexus

Elements: Water, Earth

Vibration: 5

Zodiacs: Capricorn, Libra

Healing properties: Prehnite encourages you to have faith in the universe and trust in the Divine timing of your life. It induces a deep meditative state and facilitates communication with angels. Prehnite is recommended for if you suffer with anxiety, an overactive mind, and insomnia.

Affirmation: "I trust what the universe has in store for me."

Preseli Bluestone

Chakras: All

Element: Earth

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Taurus

Healing properties: Preseli Bluestone is a form of igneous rock that can only be located in the Preseli Hills region of Wales. It helps you to connect to earth energies and the wisdom of the Celtic Druidic peoples. Preseli Bluestone opens your metaphysical awareness and visionary ability, and is very effective for use in past-life regression.

Affirmation: "I move forward by letting go of the past."

Purple Agate

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Element: Wind

Vibration: 7

Zodiacs: Sagittarius, Aries

Healing properties: Purple Agate is a stone of spiritual transformation that teaches you to trust your intuition. It has a strong connection to the Violet Flame, a Divine gift given to us by Saint Germain. Meditating with Purple Agate enables you to enter a deep meditative state and clears your mind for insights.

Affirmation: "I trust my own insights and allow my intuition to guide me."