C - D Crystals


Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Element: Wind

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Healing properties: Cacoxenite facilitates visionary experiences and enables you to develop a deep connection to Spirit. It raises your vibration to a higher level, promoting spiritual growth and contact with angels. Cacoxenite opens your mind to receiving the spiritual guidance needed to begin on your healing journey.

Affirmation: "I allow the Divine spirit to guide me through life."

Caribbean Calcite

Chakras: Third Eye,

Crown, Etheric

Elements: Water, Earth

Vibration: 8

Zodiacs: Cancer, Virgo

Healing properties: Caribbean Calcite is a combination of Blue Calcite and Aragonite. Its soothing energy helps balance the mind, creating space for peaceful thoughts. Caribbean Calcite activates psychic abilities, provides enhanced dream insight, and facilitates lucid dreaming.

Affirmation: "I am calm and at peace with myself and others."


Chakras: Root, Sacral

Element: Fire

Vibration: 5, 6

Zodiacs: Cancer, Leo,

Taurus, Virgo

Healing properties: Carnelian is a high energy stone that restores vitality and increases motivation. It stimulates creativity and brings out undiscovered talents. Carnelian gives you the self-confidence and willpower to achieve success in business and other pursuits.

Affirmation: "I am full of creative energy and new ideas."


Chakras: Crown, Throat

Third Eye, Etheric

Element: Wind

Vibration: 2, 8

Zodiac: Gemini

Healing properties: Celestite stimulates clairvoyance and enhances psychic abilities. It is one of the most effective stones for helping you access and communicate with the celestial realm. Celestite promotes purity of the heart, heals the aura, and aids dream recall.

Affirmation: "My mind is filled with loving and peaceful thoughts."


Chakras: All

Element: Storm

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Capricorn

Healing properties: Chalcopyrite has long been used by shamans and reiki healers to remove energy blockages within each chakra. It is associated with new beginnings and can aid you in finding your purpose, making it an ideal stone for if you are feeling stuck in life and looking for a sudden change.

Affirmation: "I am filled with the healing energy of the Universe."


Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Element: Wind

Vibration: 7

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Healing properties: Charoite opens the mind to new ideas and perspectives, and assists you in coping with change at a spiritual level. It stimulates psychic and mystical visions, and enhances spiritual insight and intuition. Charoite promotes deep self-reflection and encourages you to follow the path of your soul's calling.

Affirmation: "I open my mind to new ideas and possibilities."

Chevron Amethyst

hakras: Third Eye, Crown

Element: Wind

Vibration: 3

Zodiacs: All

Healing properties: Chevron Amethyst is also known as Dream Amethyst. It combines the high spirituality of Amethyst, and the gentle support of White Quartz. Giving you the courage you need to follow your spiritual callings in life. Chevron Amethyst promotes a deep and peaceful sleep, making it beneficial for if you suffer with insomnia or anxiety.

Affirmation: "I am ready to embark on my spiritual journey."


hakras: All

Element: Earth

Vibration: 3

Zodiacs: Aquarius, Taurus

Healing properties: Chrysanthemum is beneficial for anyone who feels lost in life, giving you the courage and strength to move towards a path of total self-transformation. It cleanses and aligns all the chakras, and is an excellent aid to help one eliminate negative thought patterns and behaviours.

Affirmation: "I am creating a life of passion and purpose."


Chakras: Throat, Heart

Element: Water

Vibration: 5

Zodiacs: Gemini, Taurus

Healing properties: Chrysocolla stimulates the throat chakra for clear and open communication of your inner wisdom. Within the home, Chrysocolla dispels negative energy and promotes harmony and cooperation between family members. Working with Chrysocolla can also help you discover your life purpose.

Affirmation: "I am not afraid to comm


Chakra: Heart

Element: Water

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Libra

Healing properties: Chrysoprase is a powerful healer of the heart chakra that promotes deep emotional healing. Meditating with it in nature enables you to establish a deep connection with the spirit of the Earth. Chrysoprase helps you heal from co-dependency by bringing a sense of security, comfort, and independence.

Affirmation: "I allow compassion, patience, and love to fill my heart."


Chakras: Root, Sacral,

Third Eye

Element: Fire

Vibration: 8

Zodiac: Leo

Healing properties: Cinnabar accelerates the manifestation process and enhances your ability to visualize your future. Cinnabar is often used in spiritual alchemy work to affect the transformation of energy. It is believed to be very effective in treating infertility and sexual dysfunction.

Affirmation: "I attract prosperity easily and effortlessly into my life."


Chakras: Root, Sacral

Element: Fire

Vibration: 6

Zodiacs: Aries, Leo, Libra

Healing properties: Citrine has a joyful and uplifting energy as it possesses the healing properties of the sun. It helps you look to the future with hope, excitement, and optimism. Citrine is recognized as a stone of individuality, self-confidence, and manifestation, helping you rapidly attract abundance into your life.

Affirmation: "I am worthy of attracting success and prosperity into my life."

Clear Quartz

Chakras: All

Element: Storm

Vibration: 4

Zodiacs: All

Healing properties: Clear Quartz is one of the most powerful stones available, it is often referred to as a 'master healer'. It is excellent for concentration as it improves mental clarity, enabling you to focus and think clearly. Clear Quartz amplifies the energies of other stones and can be programmed to manifest any intention.

Affirmation: "I have the power to manifest all my dreams and desires."

Crazy Lace Agate

Chakras: Third Eye, Crown

Element: Earth

Vibration: 7

Zodiac: Gemini

Healing properties: Crazy Lace Agate is an uplifting stone that is recommended to be worn by anyone consciously working to shift your thought pattern to a higher, positive vibration. Crazy Lace Agate helps trigger the release of endorphins, making it a great companion for if you suffer with depression or anxiety.

Affirmation: "I am so grateful for all the amazing blessings in my life."

Dalmatian Stone

Chakras: Sacral, Root

Element: Earth

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Gemini

Healing properties: Dalmatian Stone is a stone that helps you to reconnect with your inner child and become more appreciative of all the little things in life. It eliminates negative thinking patterns, making it an effective aid for if you are experiencing feelings of hopelessness, depression, or self-doubt.

Affirmation: "I release all negative thoughts that are holding me back."

Desert Rose

Chakras: All

Elements: Earth, Wind, Water

Vibration: 11

Zodiacs: All

Healing properties: Desert Rose is a natural stone formed from a combination of water, sand, and wind. It is considered a lucky stone as it combines the powers of Father Sky and Mother Earth. Desert Rose is believed to be effective in soothing symptoms of phobias, especially claustrophobia.

Affirmation: "I am calm, relaxed, and trust the Universe to guide me."


Chakra: Heart

Element: Water

Vibration: 8

Zodiac: Sagittarius, Scorpio

Healing properties: Dioptase is one of the purest stones of the Green Ray, with a strong vibration that penetrates deep into the heart chakra. It resets the emotional body and is recommended to be worn if you are on a journey of healing old wounds and past pain.

Affirmation: "I give myself permission to heal and move forward."

Dragon Blood Jasper

Chakra: Heart

Element: Fire

Vibration: 6

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Healing properties: Dragon Blood Jasper is a unique combination of two powerful stones, Piemontite and Epidote, that embody the fiery and persistent power of the dragon. It is an excellent stone for physical healing as it provides a boost of vitality and strength to help overcome illnesses and injuries of any kind.

Affirmation: "I am filled with courage, vitality, and strength."


Chakra: Third Eye

Element: Wind

Vibration: 4

Zodiac: Leo

Healing properties: Dumortierite is a stone of the intellect that promotes self-discipline, especially in regard to learning new things. It is beneficial for students as it enhances all mental abilities and improves memory retention. Dumortierite stimulates clairvoyance and is known to promote intense lucid dreaming.

Affirmation: "My mind is focused and ready to learn new information."