B Crystals

Black Agate

Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Vibration: 6

Zodiac: Gemini

Healing properties: Black Agate connects the spiritual and physical bodies together to ground you in reality. It transmutes dark emotions such as jealousy, anger, and resentment into positive emotions such as forgiveness, serenity, and love. Wearing Black Agate is also believed to bring you good health and prosperity.

Affirmation: "I release all behaviors that no longer serve me."

Black Kyanite

Chakras: All

Element: Storm

Vibration: 4

Zodiacs: Aries, Libra

Healing properties: Black Kyanite is a powerful tool for self-discovery, helping you to search deep within yourself to understand your truest desires. It reveals undiscovered talents and clears the way towards your destined path. Black Kyanite brings clarity and awareness by opening your mind to receiving Divine messages.

Affirmation: "I am living in alignment with my Divine purpose."

Black Moonstone

Chakras: Crown, Third Eye

Element: Wind

Vibration: 4

Zodiacs: Cancer, Scorpio

Healing properties: Black Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings that carries the energy of the New Moon. It enhances intuition, psychic abilities, and inner knowing, and helps you to connect with your emotions on a deeper level. Black Moonstone is recommended for new mothers as it brings out nurturing, feminine energy.

Affirmation: "I am open and ready for new beginnings in my life."

Black Obsidian

Chakra: Root

Elements: Earth, Fire

Vibration: 3

Zodiacs: Scorpio, Sagittarius

Healing properties: Black Obsidian is a very powerful protection stone that brings great mental strength. It forms a shield around your aura, protecting you from negative energy and influences. Black Obsidian aids the release of addictive behaviours and dissolves emotional blockages.

Affirmation: "I release negative energy within and around me."

Black Onyx

Chakras: Root, Third Eye

Element: Earth

Vibration: 6

Zodiac: Leo

Healing properties: Black Onyx is a powerful protection stone that works to absorb negative energy from your aura and environment. It heals past pain and resentment, and gives you the courage to start a new journey. Black Onyx enhances self-discipline, encouraging you to take all necessary action to achieve your goals.

Affirmation: "I am focused and can do anything I set my mind to."

Black Tourmaline

Chakra: Root

Element: Earth

Vibration: 6, 9

Zodiac: Capricorn

Healing properties: Black Tourmaline is a very effective grounding stone, helping you to feel safe, secure, and purposeful. It is protective against psychic attacks, spells, evil spirits, and negative energy. Black Tourmaline is recommended to be worn if you live or work in uncomfortable and negative environments.

Affirmation: "I am safe, secure, and protected wherever I go."


Chakra: Root

Element: Wind

Vibration: 4, 6

Zodiacs: Aries, Libra, Pisces

Healing properties: Bloodstone is one of the most powerful physical healing stones available. It radiates a warm and comforting energy, and is helpful in treating blood disorders, muscular injuries, and providing pain relief. Bloodstone draws energy through the root chakra, giving you a sense of renewed vitality.

Affirmation: "My mind, body, and spirit are capable of healing."

Blue Agate

Chakra: Throat

Element: Water

Vibration: 7

Zodiac: Pisces

Healing properties: Blue Agate is a calming stone that lifts your spirit with its positive and supportive vibrations. It encourages quiet contemplation and assimilation of life experiences, leading to spiritual growth and inner peace. Blue Agate enhances communication and gently facilitates acceptance of yourself and others.

Affirmation: "I am at peace with myself and the world around me."

Blue Aragonite

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye

Elements: Water, Wind

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Capricorn

Healing properties: Blue Aragonite amplifies positive emotions and brings a renewed zest for life. It intensifies your natural empathic and psychic abilities, making it a beneficial stone if you are a spiritual healer or therapists. Blue Aragonite is an excellent stone to use in body layouts for self-healing or to activate higher states of awareness.

Affirmation: "Inspiration flows to me easily and effortlessly."

Blue Aventurine

Chakra: Third Eye

Elements: Wind, Water

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Aries

Healing properties: Blue Aventurine aids you in tapping into your psychic and intuitive abilities. It is a beneficial stone in helping you overcome self-sabotaging behaviours and negative habits that do not serve your highest good. Physically, it is effective in balancing hormones and healing the respiratory system.

Affirmation: "I have the power to create positive change in my life."

Blue Calcite

Chakras: Third Eye, Throat

Elements: Air, Fire

Vibration: 8

Zodiac: Cancer

Healing properties: Blue Calcite is an excellent stone for empaths as it allows those who are sensitive to the energies of others not feel so overwhelmed. It forms a protective shield around your aura and softens the impact of psychic stimuli. Blue Calcite is beneficial for if you suffer with anxiety due to its calming effect.

Affirmation: "I do not allow outside influences to disturb my inner peace."

Blue Chalcedony

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye

Element: Water

Vibration: 9

Zodiac: Aries

Healing properties: Blue Chalcedony greatly enhances communication with the invisible realms and stimulates telepathy. It gives you the courage to speak from the heart and communicate your feelings with others. Blue Chalcedony is an excellent stone for public speaking as it promotes calm expression of your thoughts.

Affirmation: "I express myself clearly, calmly, and authentically."

Blue Goldstone

Chakra: Throat

Element: Water

Vibration: 3

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Healing properties: Blue Goldstone is a stone associated with success and abundance in all areas of life. It is excellent for improving creativity and imagination. Working consistently with this stone can help you reach for the stars and have the courage and confidence to achieve all your dreams and desires.

Affirmation: "I am worthy of success, abundance, and prosperity."

Blue Howlite

Chakra: Throat

Element: Wind

Vibration: 2

Zodiacs: Gemini, Virgo

Healing properties: Blue Howlite greatly enhances communication with others, especially having the strength to deal with difficult people. It calms an overactive mind and is a beneficial stone for if you suffer with insomnia. Blue Howlite helps you slowly rebuild your emotional body and heal from trauma, grief, PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

Affirmation: "I am ready to begin on my healing journey."

Blue Quartz

hakras: Third Eye, Throat

Elements: Water, Air

Vibration: 4

Zodiacs: Aquarius, Pisces

Healing properties: Blue Quartz is a very beneficial stone for soothing anxiety and depression symptoms. It enhances mental clarity, self-discipline, and organizational abilities due to its balancing effect on the lower (physical energy) and higher (mental and spiritual energy) chakras.

Affirmation: "My mind is clear, calm, and collected."

Blue Kyanite

Chakras: Third Eye, Throat

Element: Storm

Vibration: 4

Zodiacs: Gemini, Pisces

Healing properties: Blue Kyanite removes blockages from your auric field and restores the energy balance in all the chakras. It is a great stone for healers as it grounds spiritual energy and places a shield around the healer. As Blue Kyanite does not absorb negativity, it is one of the few stones that does not require cleansing.

Affirmation: "I am open to receiving Divine guidance from my spirit guides."

Blue Lace Agate

Chakra: Throat

Element: Water

Vibration: 5

Zodiacs: Gemini, Pisces

Healing properties: Blue Lace Agate is a stone that aids the verbal expression of thoughts and feelings. It allows you to speak clearly and calmly, and not concern yourself with the opinions of other people. Blue Lace Agate relieves insomnia, calms an overactive mind, and is beneficial for soothing tension headaches.

Affirmation: "I express my thoughts authentically and with clarity."

Blue Sapphire

Chakras: Third Eye, Throat

Elements: Earth, Wind

Vibration: 6

Zodiac: Capricorn

Healing properties: Blue Sapphire is associated with the planet Saturn, representing order, structure, ambition, and limitation. It is highly effective for organizing ideas and bringing them into form. Blue Sapphire is helpful in matters of self-discipline, whether routine daily tasks or projects requiring extreme focus over the long term.

Affirmation: "I remain focused each day on achieving my goals."

Blue Topaz

Chakras: Throat, Third Eye

Element: Fire

Vibration: 3

Zodiacs: Sagittarius, Virgo

Healing properties: Blue Topaz enhances focus and decisiveness. It improves your ability to articulate your thoughts and ideas. Blue Topaz is natural magnifier of psychic abilities and aids you if you wish to attune to your inner guidance. It supports speech impediments, heals sore throats, and aids symptoms of hyperthyroidism.

Affirmation: "I communicate my thoughts with confidence and clarity."


Chakras: Sacral, Root

Element: Earth

Vibration: 1

Zodiac: Leo

Healing properties: Bronzite has a gentle, soothing vibration that encourages a polite nature in you. It is an effective stone for if you assist the public daily, helping you remain calm and patient under stress. Bronzite acts as a wonderful muscle relaxant that helps release built-up tension in the body.

Affirmation: "I send out positive, loving energy each day."

Botswana Agate

Chakras: Crown, Third Eye

Element: Earth

Vibration: 7

Zodiac: Scorpio

Healing properties: Botswana Agate is believed to be one of the most effective stones to assist you if you are on a journey to overcoming self-sabotaging behaviours and addictions, especially smoking. It is believed that you may experience a sudden spiritual awakening when working closely with Botswana Agate.

Affirmation: "I release all habits and behaviors that no longer serve me."

Bumblebee Jasper

Chakras: Sacral, Solar


Element: Fire

Vibration: 8

Zodiacs: Taurus, Leo

Healing properties: Bumblebee Jasper is a stone that greatly enhances creativity and self-confidence. It enables you to make decisions from a place of reason, rather than emotion. Bumblebee Jasper is recommended to be worn if you are closing a chapter in life and starting anew.

Affirmation: "I am ready to manifest my greatest dreams and desires."